Tuesday, October 27, 2015

5 reasons New Day Rocks & why them and the WWE has hit a HomeRun!

photo from Bleacherreport.com


As everyone should be well aware, I am a huge fan of the New Day. So 5 things you should know today, is all about the New Day yes it is! So don't be sour and feel the power, clap away all negativity and feel the  5 things that are great about the New Day!

#5. The trombone: This was a bit iffy for me, Xavier comes out lugging this large instrument around and my first reaction was to cringe. Then he belted out Zelda and Final Fantasy, then he would give the long slide sounds along with all the action. The Trombone won the hearts of the +WWE Universe.

#4. The uniforms & track suits. Their gear is very Power Ranger meets Voltron. They are basically right out of a great 80's and 90's cartoon! They match though, this is something I don't think teams understand anymore. Your outfits have to match to be taken as a long term credible team.

#3. Kofi Kingston makes a really good heal. When this first went down I know Woods and Big E could pull the heel role, however I was questionable like everyone else how Kofi would translate. Well the kid found his snarky smile and started skipping to the ring. He is a bit of a semi charming smart ass and it works really well. I am digging this new found side of +Kofi Kingston 

#2. Tag Team Gold. This is important, as long as they have the gold they have a certain level of arrogance that can be used in their favor to draw heat no matter how much the crowd claps and chants.

Drum roll please......................

#1. BIG E & his dancing! Big E has flourished in this group. He has been able to show that he is one of the best in ring workers in the company with this feud with the Dudely Boyz. However it is the dancing that has really put New Day over the top. Big E and his facial expressions are top notch, and it adds to the mood and move set when we get this shaking and grooving going on right before the Big E splash! 

~"DC" Dwight Couch

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Booking Rusev now that his and Lana's engagement is public.

Booking Rusev now that his and Lana's engagement is public.

When Rusev first entered the WWE he was an unstoppable force that dominated the roster. Hitting his stride going into Wrestlemania and his feud with John Cena. He was booked flawlessly, and his matches with Cena were some of the best stuff on TV night in and night out. All the time with Lana at his side.

Rusev would go on to loose the feud with Cena and start his program with Dolph Ziggler, this showed tons of potential as two of the best workers in the company were set to battle it out. Lana was over, the crowd and the we want Lana chants were tremendous, however they slowly faded as Lana and Rusev would break up. This caused both to loose the traction that they once had, and I think it was more harmful to Lana than to Rusev.

As fate would have it the feud with Ziggler never got to materialize into a mixed tag match that would feature Rusev and Summer Rae vs Lana and Ziggler. With Lana on the shelf this feud became very lop sided, and with no Lana staleness set in quick.

Now that Lana has been off TV, Rusev has encountered several set backs, a loss to Cesaro, and this past Monday a loss to the Big Guy Ryback.

This is where WWE should grab the bull by the horns, book Rusev to loose!


Not so fast! Rusev could handle a couple high profile losses. Have him getting frustrated, have him loosing by strange causes or have someone like Kevin Owens cheat to beat him, let there be a little sympathy from the crowd. Once he has shown his humility and the crown is feeling bad for the still heel Rusev, as we have seen he can draw compassion from the crowd even as a heel.

Once you have that cemented and Rusev is down and out in a high profile match with a top heel; well que the microphone with a loud “RUSEV CRUSH” as Lana walks from the back. Rusev could then hulk up so to speak with his fiance by his side once again, the crown will pop as their beloved Russian Lana makes her way back to the Bulgarian Brute Rusevs side. Rusev will over come his streak, and win the match as the crowd will celebrate with them being reunited. 

This will allow the ever entertaining Rusev and Lana to play to the crowd, they can make a very successful face run, maybe even capture some gold along the way.


Clash of the Titans: Hulk Hogan & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. AndrĂ© the Giant & Ted DiBiase – February 6, 1989

 Professional wrestling has always been built on larger-than-life characters, intense rivalries, and unforgettable moments that captivate au...